Friday 30 August 2013

Coffee Cake with Butter Cream Icing

I've tried this recipe out a few times now, and each time it has worked out great, I'm now just working on perfecting the decorating. I found this recipe on the BBC Good Food website, first baked by Simon Rimmer. I changed the recipe slightly by excluding the walnuts, as today I have baked it for my partners work to enjoy, therefore don't want to be risking affecting anyone with nut allergies. I also put coffee infused butter cream all around the edge of the cake, as well as on top and in the middle, as I find it keeps the cake moist, and also look neater, however, if just making for yourself, put it wherever you want!

The two 20cm round cakes baked beautifully, giving a very soft, light yet moist sponge. While waiting for them to cool on a wire rack, I usually place 1/2 a slice of bread on top of each layer to keep the moisture within the cake, and prevent it from drying out.

While the cakes are cooling, I make the espresso infused butter cream ready to fill and decorate the cake. It's probably the best recipe I've used as far as the ratios go between icing sugar and butter (I always used to get it wrong), however this is slightly on the runnier side, which I find perfect for spreading. For piping, I add little amounts of flour to the mixture to thicken it up, yet keep the sweetness the same. You can add as much or as little as you want.

I put quite a decent amount of butter cream in between the cakes, and just enough on top so that the cake itself doesn't show through. After thickening my butter cream, I piped a detailed band around the edge (not too sure what piping attachment is called) and one ring on top to complete it. After dusting with cocoa powder and drizzling with chocolate (coffee and chocolate are lush together!), the cake is complete! Hoping my partner and his colleagues like it! Any reviews I get I shall post on here, also any questions, please ask! Happy baking! :)

Click here for the recipe.